The Sports 4 Concept is Honda's vision of a sports car of the future
Honda believes you and your four-legged friend should be able to travel together in comfort, and that's what the W.O.W (Wonderful Open-hearted Wagon) Concept is all about
The Concept vehicles - The FCX Concept (closest), the SPORTS 4 Concept, and the W.O.W Concept (furthest)
Available with the new 1.8l i-VTEC engine or the 3-Stage i-VTEC +IMA System, the Civic sets new standards for fuel efficiency, safety and performance
The Civic Hybrid. The improvements result in a 40% reduction in CO2, along with enhanced performance.
Here's a look at the IMA system
Hybrid cars can be just as sporty as gasoline engine vehicles - Here's the Civic Hybrid SPORTS Concept
The Legend, featuring SH-AWD. The panel in the background provides a visual narrative of how the SH-AWD works
The E4-01 Concept - the automatic super sports concept
The DN-01 Concept - an automatic sports cruiser featuring Honda's unique infinitely variable hydraulic mechanical transmission
The E4-01 Concept - the automatic super sports concept
Based on the CB400 SUPER FOUR, the BOL D'OR is fitted with a stylish half cowl for improved high speed comfort
The FORZA Z ABS and Fusion SE with a new multi-reflector headlight
The CBR1000RR, the high-performance supersport model features technology directly transferred from Honda's awesome RC211V MotoGP machines.
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