
發表:2008-06-05 14:50
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可 是,並不是每一個承諾都能兌現。十九年前,自由女神曾在天安門前屹立,在世界的目光下,她鄭重地對未來的中國作出了歷史的承諾。這是一個驚天動地的時刻。 儘管她太年輕,壯志未酬,便被坦克的履帶碾碎。中國就此與歷史的契機擦肩而過,世界也痛失了年輕純真的女神的孩子們。這一充滿了理想、期待、承諾的時刻必 須被千秋萬代永遠牢記。所有的殉難者、倖存者,連同他們被碾碎的夢,都要與那一莊嚴的時刻永存。

今天,面對無數逝去的生命,我們願作歷史 的見證人。沒有一個嚴肅的承諾會永遠蒼白空洞。歷史不會忘記自由女神倒下的瞬間,她的承諾將由後人兌現。未來的民主中國,必將是一個尊重自由、崇尚生命的 國度。那時,沒人因言而被治罪,沒人因「國家安全」而被剝奪知情權。白髮人不再為黑髮人哭泣。孩童們將在堅固的校舍裡讀書,為正義疾呼的青年將不再面對牢 獄和槍彈……


The Promise of Lady Liberty

Fengshi Yang

Opening remarks
The 19th anniversary of 「Tiananmen, June 4th」 Memorial Concert


What is any moment without its promise, without its dreams, without its hope for the future? That moment is empty.

Please know, that such an empty moment does not exist, because every moment contains promise. Just like an acorn seed promises the oak tree; a baby promises an adult; and the student promises a mind that can think thoughts for the greater good of his people. But, not every promise becomes reality.

Nineteen years ago, Lady Liberty lived in Tiannamen Square. The moment was filled with promise and dreams and hopes for democracy in China. It was an astonishing moment in world history. The promise was great. But, it was never allowed to take root. So, China lost an opportunity; we lost courageous young souls who dared to dream of something miraculous for their country; and the world lost a chance to have the most populated country in the world turn into a democratic republic. We must remember this moment. We must honor our dead... we must honor our survivors. And we must keep vigil with the dream, with the promise of that moment.

All change requires loss. But, staying the same takes it toll, also. Why was China like Odysseus shipwrecked in a stormy sea... clinging ferociously to the shattered keel of his original ship...? What could have been our present moment now had China then the courage to try democratic freedoms? We will never know the answer to that question. But, we must hold on to our memories of the promise of that moment 19 years ago. We must remember those who gave their lives for the possibility of change, especially since that change has not yet happened.

Democracy is hard work. Freedom means the possibility of mistakes, the chance to agree to disagree and the opportunity to try again. Let us remember the promise from 19 years ago when Lady Liberty stood in Tiannamen. May she live again for the sake of our people, our troubled nation, and for the sake of world peace.

The world can tremble in many ways.
Whether it is the ideological challenge to the status quo
Or the literal quaking of the ground upon which one stands.

19 years ago
the world trembled
and then, held its breath
as the promise of the moment failed.

19 days ago
the land rumbled,
buildings tumbled
and the world trembled at the destruction and loss of life.

All must begin anew
for we are never the same after such an event.

We pray for those victims.

We pray for those in Sichuan province
who have no choice
but to exist in this strange new reality.

And we stand here today
keeping vigil with them
in our hearts and prayers.

We pause
for a moment of silence
as we light our candles
out of respect for the magnificent mystery of life.

Let us remember all those who suffer.


□ 寄自美國



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