與上世紀30年代的墨索里尼相似,中共也擁有眾多語言 學院,這個情況正在斯德哥爾摩擴散,例如大學裡的南太平洋亞洲研究學院與孔子學院經常發生衝突。你真的能夠切身感受到中共正在幕後操縱大學的收生。當中共插手大學的收生時,情況便會變得更壞。我認為歐洲人並未有注意到這個情況,他們也沒有注意到中共所掩蓋的事實。最近發生了一些可怕的事件,包括問題食物的醜聞,以及其它各種各樣的醜聞。
中國內地可能正在爆發另一次禽流感疫情,因為死鳥正在香港出現,內地也陸續有人因禽流感死亡。當然,這些正是共產黨正在嘗試掩蓋的事情。但對歐美各國的人來說,重要的是要對正在發生的事情提高警覺。我從不認為中國共產黨能夠以軟力量控制世界,但他們會繼續嘗試 運用它的影響力。
正如我所講,讓歐洲、美國及加拿大人民也能認清中共,是十分重要的。我會盡我所能,例如我被邀請出席一個在布達佩斯舉行的會議,會議選址在「恐懼之屋」召 開,那裡正是納粹黨和共產黨用作折磨處決囚犯的地方。我會就當前的議題發表演講,並會提到一些正在亞洲發生的侵犯人權的罪行,我會用到許多目前正發生在共 產中國的例子。稍後,一些團體也會在多倫多大學舉行會議,這是一個有關科學研究以及它對歐洲聯盟里民主新世代的影響,我會談到我們應怎樣利用過去的歷史教 訓和共產黨仍在繼續的罪行,來教育年輕一代,因為讓人們認清這些事情是非常重要的。
最後,我要說的是,我全力支持將真相公開化,而將共產黨 從過去到現在所持續犯下的罪惡公諸於世,是非常重要的。因此,重要的是(中國大陸)民眾能夠準備好面對媒體,甚至準備好面對(中共的)懲罰,重要的是他們 脫離中國共產黨或其它共產主義,以此表明,只有將真相公開化與透明化,才是推翻這些政權的唯一辦法。
瑞典國會議員、歐洲委員會議院大會政治 事務委員會主席(Chairperson of Political Affairs Committee, Parliamentary Assembly, Council of Europe)約讓·林德布拉德(Göran Lindblad)
Göran Lindblad
Member of Swedish Parliament
Chairperson of Political Affairs Committee, Parliamentary Assembly, Council of Europe
It is an important moment now as we have as many as 50 million people that have withdrew from the communist party in China, that is a historical moment, only a few years ago, there was a couple of million and this is really escalating quickly and that shows that the population of the Communist China are very aware of the situation which is created by the CCP. For us in Europe, the situation is a little different, here you can see the CCP infiltrating with Confucius Institutes, they do that also in the United States, which are situated in famous universities and CCP trying to use them as propaganda centrals and also spy centrals.
Similar to Mussolini during the 30’s , he had this language institutes, and this is spreading in Stockholm, for example at the university there is a conflict between the Southern Pacific Asian Study Institute and the Confucius Institute, and you can really feel the CCP behind the entries at the University and there is all always the entries of the University ,but when the CCP is involved it gets even worst, and I don’t think that the Europeans are aware of that, and they are not aware of the cover ups that’s done by the CCP. There are terrible events that happened in recent times, we have food scandals, and other kind of scandals that sort of appears.
There maybe another outbreak of Avian Flu going on with dead birds appeared in Hong Kong and people are dying in Mainland China. Of course, these are the things that communist party are trying to cover up, but for Europeans and Americans, it’s important to raise the awareness of what’s going on. I don’t think that ever that Communist Party in China will able to with soft power take over the world, but they are trying and trying to use their influence.
I firmly believe that with the 50 million withdrawals and with the awareness on the rise in Europe, the days of the Communist Regime is counted actually. We’ll in my Political Affairs Committee, which I’m chairing in the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of the Europe have a new hearing most probably April or June on the political situation in China. We had one hearing before the Olympics, discussing the situation, the regime didn’t want to take part, I offered them a seat at the Parliament, they wanted to sit in the room and listen. That is significant for the Chinese Communist Party and for any Communist Party that they want to work in the dark and they don’t want to have an open discussion, so the open discussion, the open withdrawals will speed up the downfall of the terrible regime.
As I said, it’s important to raise the awareness among population in Europe and in the United States and Canada as well. I would do my best, for example I’m invited to one conference in the Budapest. It’ll take place in the house terror, which is the house where both the Nazis and the Communists used as prison and tortured the prisoners. I would speak on the current issues under discussions, and I will of speak of current crime about human rights violation in Asia, so I’ll use lots of example from what is going on in the Communist China. Later on there is a conference also arranged by some organization in the University of Toronto and there I’ll take part of the lessons from the past, it’s a public debate of the scientific research and it’s effect on the young democracy section in European Union, so I’ll speak how can we use the history from the past and the on going crime of the Communist in order to educate the young population and that is very important to raise the awareness.
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【誠徵榮譽會員】溪流能夠匯成大海,小善可以成就大愛。我們向全球華人誠意徵集萬名榮譽會員:每位榮譽會員每年只需支付一份訂閱費用,成為《看中國》網站的榮譽會員,就可以助力我們突破審查與封鎖,向至少10000位中國大陸同胞奉上獨立真實的關鍵資訊, 在危難時刻向他們發出預警,救他們於大瘟疫與其它社會危難之中。