此外,從2009年7月1日起,行業技工職業(Trades occupations )和廚師(Chefs)457申請人的英語水平標準從原來的「雅思」4.5提高到5分。
Further changes to the temporary Australian visa program were announced today by the Government. These include:
As of 01 July 2009, all 457 visa holders will have an MSL that "keeps pace" with local wages, which will be indexed at 4.1 per cent.
As of mid-September 2009, a market-based MSL for 457 visa holders will be implemented.
All 457 visa holders working in trade occupations and chefs positions will need a higher English language ability requirement (5 IELTS from 4.5 IELTS). This aligns the English language requirement for those needed for a permanent Australian employer-nominated visa for trades' occupations.
As of 01 July 2009, 457 visa applicants from high risk immigration countries will have to pass skills assessments for trades occupations and chefs.
The Government will step up its monitoring of employers to ensure they are exhausting the local labour market before hiring overseas workers.
Training benchmarks will be introduced so that employers can prove they have up-skilled workers to the best of their ability before employing overseas workers.
All ASCO 5-7 occupations will have the labour agreement pathway extended to include them.
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