原文:A Dutch court intervened Friday to stop a 13-year-old girl from attempting to become the youngest person to sail around the world alone, stripping her parents of sole custody. Laura Dekker spent the first four years of her life at sea with her parents, who support her ambition.
例句:The United Nations finally intervened and sent a peace-keeping force to keep the warring factions separated.(聯合國終於介入,派維和部隊前往將交戰派系隔開。)
Strip常指脫衣,例如striptease 是脫衣舞,脫衣舞孃叫stripper,這個字眼帶有侮蔑意味,因此有些格調較高、尤其是不准碰觸的脫衣舞女郎,自稱為striptease artist,等於是把脫衣舞視為表演藝術的一種;strip search是脫衣檢查;strip在這裡是剝奪、不讓人享有的意思,常指拿走別人原本具有的權利或財物。
例句:The villagers were stripped of their possessions after the guerillas came.(游擊隊進入村莊後,居民財產都被奪走。)
另外,在英文新聞中常見的一個定義是"收押的狀態",例如:Two suspects in last night's bank robbery have been taken into custody.(昨晚銀行搶案有兩名嫌犯已經在押。)
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【誠徵榮譽會員】溪流能夠匯成大海,小善可以成就大愛。我們向全球華人誠意徵集萬名榮譽會員:每位榮譽會員每年只需支付一份訂閱費用,成為《看中國》網站的榮譽會員,就可以助力我們突破審查與封鎖,向至少10000位中國大陸同胞奉上獨立真實的關鍵資訊, 在危難時刻向他們發出預警,救他們於大瘟疫與其它社會危難之中。