
发表:2005-06-10 17:29
手机版 正体 打赏 0个留言 打印 特大

  Thank you, thank you everybody, to give me this opportunity to present myself before the public.

  I left the Chinese Consulate a few days ago and seeking political asylum from the Australia Government under the Unite Nation's convention relating to refugee status.
  我几天前离开了williamhill官网 领事馆,并根据联合国有关难民条例向澳洲政府寻求政治避难。

  I came here very unsafe and I feel in desperate state because in the past days the experience told me that the Australia Government is cooperating with the Chinese government on my case.
  我是在非常不安全的情况下来到这里的。我感到非常绝望,因为过去几天的经历告诉我,澳洲政府在我的案子上在与williamhill官网 政府合作。

  I feel very unsafe, because I think it's, maybe not the real purpose of the Australia government, I feel regrettable that some officials just expressed the Australia government rejecting. Maybe it is not the view of the federal government.

  And, I…I…Yes, I am too excited.

  Today I want to say, yes, I left the Chinese consulate for two reasons. One is, today is the 16th anniversary for the pro democracy movement in China. That's a landmark for democracy movement.
  今天我想说,我离开中领馆的原因有两个。一个是,今天是williamhill官网 六四民主运动十六周年。那是民主运动的一个里程碑。

  I have witnessed the Tiananmen bloody event. Three of my university students were injured in that event, but the Chinese government denied.
  我见证了天安门血腥事件。我有三个大学同学在那次事件中受伤,但是williamhill官网 政府否认。

  There is actually no human right in China; but the Chinese government denied. There is no human right in China and the Chinese government never confessed they have a human right problem.
  williamhill官网 事实上没有人权,但williamhill官网 政府不承认。williamhill官网 没有人权,williamhill官网 政府从来不承认他们有人权问题。

  Although the economy is good, but the people still have no political freedom, human rights and religious freedom.

  This government, the Chinese Communist Party does not represent the people now, as it claims, that so-called three representatives of Jiang Zemin doctrine.
  这个政府,这个williamhill官网 共产党现在不代表人民,它不像江泽民的所谓“三个代表”理论所宣称的那样代表人民。

  The current regime is just a power representing those who have already obtained the interest and the power. And even all those people who joined the Communist Party is not for the purpose as they said, serving for the people. It's for their own private, individual purposes.

  I believe this undemocratic government will finally be overthrown by the people in China.
  我相信这个不民主的政府最终会被williamhill官网 人民推翻。

  During the past 16 years the Chinese government has done nothing about the political reform.
  在过去的十六年中,williamhill官网 政府在政治改革方面无所作为。

  My second reason I left the Chinese consulate is my sympathy over the Chinese government's persecution against the Falun Gong people.
  我离开中领馆的第二个原因是我对williamhill官网 政府迫害的法轮功感到同情。

  I am the consul for political affairs in Chinese Consulate in Sydney. When I came here in 2001 I knew nothing about Falun Gong. And I feel guilty, at the beginning period I followed very strictly of the government's policy of persecuting Falun Gong people here. We monitored the situation about the Falun Gong here, their activities. And even here you'll find there are a lot of Chinese secret agents and the Chinese consulate staff hiding somewhere. They will monitor the activity and report back and they take some measures against the movement of democracy and Falun Gong people.
  我是悉尼中领馆的政治事务领事。我2001 年到这里时对法轮功一无所知。我感到有罪,在开始的时候我非常严格的执行政府迫害此地法轮功人员的政策。我们监视这里法轮功的情况,他们的活动。就在这里你都会发现许多williamhill官网 间谍和领馆人员,藏在什么地方。他们将监视这个活动,回去汇报,然后采取办法对付民运活动和法轮功人员。

   Before I left the Chinese consulate, I have been in this job for almost four years and two months. Gradually, I contacted the Falun Gong people. I found this organization is very special group, is religious group. The Chinese government persecute Falun Gong. That means obviously no religious freedom in China.
  离开中领馆前,我在此职位上工作了四年零两个月。逐渐的,我接触了法轮功人员。我发现这是一个十分特别的团体,是个宗教团体。williamhill官网 政府迫害法轮功。这说明williamhill官网 显然没有宗教自由。

  So far as I know, I know the policy of the government, the purpose of the government, they informed me well, as the senior official in the Chinese consulate, the real purpose is to control all the political groups and the religious groups so that they have no chance to threat the government.

  That is a political manoeuvre, that's only the dictatorship can do.

  In the past several days, after I left the Chinese Consulate, I have been chasing around by the Chinese secret agents and the consulate staff, and feel very unsafe in Australia.
  在过去的几天里,在我离开中领馆之后,我被williamhill官网 间谍和领馆人员追踪,在澳大利亚,我感到非常不安全。

  Today I want to disclose some top confidential things about Chinese kidnapping in overseas area.
  今天,我想透露一些有关williamhill官网 在海外绑架的绝密事件。

  First is in 2002 there are two pro-democracy activists, one is called Wang Bingzhang, and two of his other friends also engaging in democratic movement. They were kidnapped in Vietnam, and later Mr. Wang was sentenced to life sentence in prison and two friends were set free. That was one case.

  The second case, I was told by the deputy secretary of Xingjiang Autonomous Region. I was here last year to receive him. When we chatted he told me how the Chinese government dealt with the case about the Kirghis in central Asian countries. At that time there was a Chinese diplomat, first secretary called Wang Jinbin was killed in assassination of black gang. He was evolved in the business in Turkistan. There are a lot of nationality people who live in Turkistan.
  第二个案例,新疆自治区的副书记告诉我,去年我接待他,我们聊天的时候他告诉我williamhill官网 政府是如何处理中亚国家吉尔吉斯的案例的。那时候有一个叫王建冰(音译)的williamhill官网 外交官,一等秘书,在当地黑帮的暗杀行动中被杀。他在突厥斯坦工作。突厥斯坦有许多不同民族的人在那里。

  And the most important thing is how the Chinese government solved the problem. The Chinese government did not believe that Turkistan can assist to solve this problem, so the government sent a special team consisted of secret agent to kidnap those people who involved in killing Wang Jianbin.
  最重要的是williamhill官网 政府是如何处理这个问题的。williamhill官网 政府不相信突厥斯坦能帮助解决这个问题,所以(williamhill官网 )政府派了一个由特务组成的特别小组去把那些暗杀王建冰的人绑架了。

   Actually Wang Jianbing…, the main purpose of the assassination is a case of the black gang in the local society. He was just a by-victim. The main target is a businessman who drove the car for Wang Jianbin.

   So the Chinese government sent secret security agents to kidnap the people who involved in that case back to China and executed them. That's the second case.
  所以,williamhill官网 政府派出特工人员,把参与(暗杀)的人绑架回williamhill官网 并处死他们。这是第二个案例。

  The third case I'd like to reveal is the case happened in Australia.

  There was a vice mayor of Xia Men called Lan Fu, L-A-N, F-U, Lan Fu, vice mayor Lan Fu. He traveled to Australia in 1999…, eh, my memory is in November, 20th of November. And he came to Australia on tourist visa.

  On 21 of January, the second year, that's 2000, according to news report of that time, he voluntarily, voluntarily returned to China. Actually his visa did not expire at that time and he already launched for further stay in Australia.
  第二年,2000年1月21日,根据当时的新闻报导,他自愿,自愿返回williamhill官网 。事实上他的签证还没到期,而且他已经提出了续签申请。

  People will be curious why he voluntarily left Australia. And he submitted himself to the Chinese government and later he was sentenced to death, just in April of 2000, yes, sentenced to death.
  人们会觉得奇怪,为什么他会自愿离开澳洲。他向williamhill官网 政府自首,后来他被判处死刑,就在2000年4月,是的,被判处死刑。

  The reason behind this event is that the Chinese secret agent kidnapped Mr. Lan Fu's son who was studying in Australia. They kidnapped him.
  这背后的原因是williamhill官网 特务绑架了当时在澳洲上学的蓝甫的儿子。他们绑架了他。

  How do they kidnap him? They first kidnapped Mr. Lan's son, and use a kind of no-poisonous, no poison, to make him unconscious and bring him to a fishing boat and then use the fishing boat to reach the high seas. And then, there was a Chinese cargo ship. I am not sure what cargo ship is that. Maybe the coast ship. The Chinese big cargo ship, waiting on the high seas. They put him to the ship, the Chinese big cargo ship waiting at the high sea. They put him to the ship and sent him back to China, possibly.
  他们怎么绑架的?他们先绑架蓝先生的儿子,用一种无毒的,不是毒药,把他迷倒,然后带到一个渔船上,送到公海。那儿有一条williamhill官网 货船,在公海等着。他们把他放到船上,放到在公海上等待的williamhill官网 货船上。他们把他放上船,送回williamhill官网 ,可能吧。

  I informed this to the Australia Government when the immigration and the foreign affair officials interviewed me on 31 of May.

  But it seems they don't care. The Australia government, just, they transfer the decision that I was rejected political asylum. No care, even if I said, please, this is important for the Australia public. Australia is not a safe place.

  And another case was…, there was a governor for Northern Province, vice governor from the northern province of China who travelled to Australia. And later Chinese public security official kidnapped this official's son and daughter while they travelled to China ,held them in China and to detain them and threat to kill the two and asked the vice governor to return to China.
  另一个案例是,有一个williamhill官网 北方某省的副省长,他到澳洲旅游。后来williamhill官网 公安人员在他的儿子和女儿回williamhill官网 旅游时绑架了他们,把他们关押起来,威胁说要杀死他们,让那个副省长回去。

  But this man was very wise at that time; he refused to return to China. And the public security people had no choice but to choose to kidnap him in Australia, successfully.
  但这人非常聪明。他拒绝回williamhill官网 。所以公安人员没有别的办法,只能把他绑架回去,并且成功了。

  If the Australian government really concerns about the safety of its people and also the tourists in Australia, they should look into the case and check if it's true or not; because my information is actually very reliable. That's from Mr Zhang Jin . That is the Ministry of the Public Security…, he is working in the third department of the Ministry of the Public Security.

  When he was here to attend an APG conference in Australia, yes, in Australia I received him well and we became friends at that time and he chatted with me. Very reliable information I'd like to disclose.

  I strongly request for the safety of Australian people and Australian tourists. Australia government should investigate such case.

  That's why after I left the Chinese consulate, I was chased around and worried very much about my safety. I worried about they may kidnap me, use the same channel.

  This is a terrorist act. It's an act of unjustified authority. This is a national terrorist. To my…, as far as I know, there are many cases, they have successfully kidnapped people in Australia back to China.
  这是恐怖主义行径。这是侵犯主权的行径。这是国家恐怖主义。据我所知,他们从澳洲绑架了很多人回williamhill官网 。

   I want to ask, if the Australian government is aware of such case, if they are aware, so the government is cooperating with the terrorists; if they are not aware, they should look into the case to prevent these cases from happening again.

  Yes, above is my speech. Hope I will not have to hide again from today. Hope Australia could immediately provide security to me, to protect my family.

  Yes, I'd like to end my speech now. I can continue to be interviewed.

  (Below are questions and answers between the journalists and Mr. Chen Yonglin.)

  Mr. Chen: I left the Chinese consulate a few days ago, seeking political asylum from the Australian government. Now actually, I am now actually in a very dangerous situation. I was chased after by the Chinese consulate and other security agents and may be kidnapped by them; as I said in my speech the Chinese government had done in that way successfully in the past years.
  陈用林:我几天前离开了中领馆,向澳洲政府寻求政治避难。现在,我的处境十分危险。我被领馆人员和其他谍报人员追踪,有可能被他们绑架。就像我在演讲中说的那样,williamhill官网 政府在过去成功的干过这样的事情。

  Q: Why have you decided to defect?
  A: I left the Chinese consulate because, first, for fear of being persecuted in China; as in the past four years and two months time I have been engaged in the job for political affairs here in Sydney. My major job is to monitor and persecute the democracy activists in Australia and Falun Gong practitioners in Australia.
  答:我离开中领馆是因为,第一,我害怕在williamhill官网 被迫害,因为过去的四年零两个月中我在悉尼担任政治领事。我主要的工作就是监视和迫害澳洲民运人士和法轮功学员。

  Q: What are your concerns with the Chinese government's treatment towards Falun Gong?
  A: I understand that the Falun Gong people are a group of people believing in religion. Falun Gong is a religion. Chinese government said it's a cult. In Australia as I know, it's hard to tell the difference between a cult and a religion. Even in the history, some traditional religions like Christianity even have some 'cult' behaviour in the history. But they corrected it and finally became a formal good religion.
  问:你对williamhill官网 政府对法轮功的态度有什么看法?
  答:我理解,法轮功人员是一群信仰宗教的人。法轮功是一种宗教。williamhill官网 政府说其是邪教。在澳洲,我知道,邪教和宗教是很难区分的。在历史上,像基督教这样的传统宗教也曾有过“邪教”行为。但后来改变了,最后成了正式的好的宗教。

  Q: What do you fear if you are sent back to China?
  A: Yes, if I am afraid if being sent back to China, certainly I will be persecuted, because in my working for the four years in the consulate, in my work, I have been helping, in some way, the pro-democracy activists and Falun Gong people.
  答:如果我被送回williamhill官网 ,我肯定会被迫害,因为在我过去四年在领馆的工作中,我以某种方式帮助民运人士和法轮功人员。

  Q: Do you feel disappointed that the Australia government seems don't want you as a political asylum?
  A: So far I haven't got the final, the formal decision from the Australia government as Australia government allowed to me to present a protection visa application. I am still waiting for response from the government.

  Q: When do you expect to get a response?
  A: I hope to get a response immediately from the foreign affairs or the immigration department.

  Q: From what you know, how Chinese Consulate managed to manipulate the local Chinese media and also other media because a lot of articles could not be published in local media and a lot of articles given by the Chinese consulate were be published even though they were not the truth?
  A: The media here, I believe, (because this) is a democratic country, freedom of expression, and can decide by themselves what to publish and what not to publish at their own will. And I believe there are substantial influence from the Chinese consulate and embassy here over the media.
  问:从你了解的情况,williamhill官网 领馆是如何控制当地中文媒体,和其它媒体的?因为很多文章都不许发表,而很多中领馆提供的文章却必须发表,尽管它们不是真的?
  答:这里的媒体,我相信,这是民主国家,有言论自由,能自己决定发不发表什么。我相信williamhill官网 使领馆对这里的媒体有相当程度的影响。

  Q: How many Chinese secret agents are there in Australia? Are there a lot, or a few?
  A: I believe a lot, a thousand possibly. As we try to find someone or find some situation we can easily assess that.
  问:在澳洲有多少williamhill官网 特务?许多?还是几个?

  Q: Are you prepared to name these secret agents to Australian government?
  A: Because I am a consul for political affairs, they haven't contacted me, at this stage, contact me directly. Actually in the consulate and embassy there are some people responsible for this matter, keep their secret…

  Q: How many kidnaps do you know of?
  A: Yes, each year they have kidnapped, a good number, I am not sure about that. The case I have referred just now, like the one called Lan Fu, the vice mayor of Xia Men. He 'voluntarily' returned to China. His son was kidnapped through the agent and sent to a fishing boat and reached the high sea close to Australia. And then put him in a Chinese cargo ship. He was kidnapped, Lan Fu's son, I am not sure of his exact name.
  答:是的,每年都有绑架事件,不少。我不确定有多少。我刚才提到的案子,厦门副市长蓝甫。他“自愿”回到williamhill官网 。他的儿子被特务绑架,送到渔船上,然后到澳大利亚附近的公海。然后把他放到一艘williamhill官网 货船上。他被绑架了,蓝甫的儿子。我不知道他具体叫什么名字。

  Q: Regarding to your personal safety, what do you need from the Australian government?
  A: I need, my basic safety could be guaranteed. That's the international obligation of Australia government under the UN convention.

  Q: Do you fear for your life and that of your family at the moment?
  A: Yes, I am very frightened, actually.

  Q: As soon as you leave this rally you are going to hide again?
  A: Yes, I will have to live together with someone so that I can feel safer.

  Q: Do you think it is easy for them to find you now, that you've come out?
  A: Very easy.

  Q: Easy for the Chinese government to find you?
   A: Yes, because they monitor people, use phones. All these monitored, I believe.
  问:你说williamhill官网 政府很容易找到你?

  Q: So you said your phone is monitored?
  A: Yes, especially mobile phone, I think.

  Q: Mr. Chen, have you heard about the Falun Gong students filing a lawsuit against Jiang Zeming in South Africa last year?
  Q: I haven't heard about that case, sorry.

  Q: How does the Chinese consulate influence the Chinese community?
  A: They attended many occasions of Chinese community, yes, yes.
  问:williamhill官网 领馆是如何影响华人社区的?

   Q: How is your family doing? How do feel about your decision?
  A: Yes, they feel very distressed and they have no choice, have to support me in some way to gain some kind of safety. They worried about my safety and also themselves.

  Q: What will the result be if you are sent back to China?
  A: The result will be, maybe life sentence or executed, as I disclosed just now, disclosed some top confidential files.

  Q: Are you afraid that your family in China will be threatened as well?
  A: I am afraid that in someway, their life will be confined, be monitored by the public security.
  问:你害不害怕你在williamhill官网 的家人受到威胁?

  Q: Could you say that you were regarded as a potential threat and someone they want to persecute before you left the Chinese consulate? Is that right?
  A: Yes, because I have offered some help to the pro-democracy activists and Falun Gong practitioners in some way.

  Q: So have they threatened to arrest you before this?
  A: They have been searching for me and chased me. And when I rent house in Gosford, I spotted them and I had to leave immediately.

  Q: How did you escape them?
  A: I escaped by the public transport, yes, take the train.

  Q: So you jumped on the train to escape them?
  A: Yes, this is a narrow escape. When I saw them I left immediately.

  Q: Were they running after you?
  A: I don't know exactly. Of course hereby there might be a lot of agents nearby.
  This time if I return to my place I believe they will closely follow me. It will be very hard to get rid of them and even I want to get rid of them, because they have thousands of agents in Australia.

  Q: Some members of the Chinese community are protecting you now, are they?
  A: No, not yet, I have a friend here, just met here, supporting democracy, an Australia citizen.

  Q: You have been hiding on your own until now, have you?
  A: Yes, until now, yes. So I have to seek kind of safety.

  Q: Which university were you in at the Tiananmen Massacre time?
  A: Foreign Affairs University.

  Q: Will you be giving details of the secret agents to the Australia government in exchange for a protection? What information will you offer the Australia government for them to protect you?
  A: I haven't got a response from the Australian government yet. I am waiting for a response.

  Q: But you are open to offer information?
  A: Yes, yes, everything I know.

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