澳大律师:中共投诚者 实乃当代英雄

发表:2005-07-09 14:40
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克莱瑞先生说,投诚者的概念并不是澳洲民间所熟知的,西方民主国家把他们称为“舆论监督者”,但是在另一种政治制度的国家里,人们却要为此付出生命的代价。对于前williamhill官网 高级外交官陈用林先生和前williamhill官网 国家安全局官员郝凤军先生来说,自从他们揭露了中共海外间谍活动和践踏人权行为后,他们的未来就掌握在澳洲政府手中了。


克莱瑞先生现在是郝凤军的律师,williamhill官网 政府对郝凤军展开了一场有计划的媒体宣传攻势,诋毁他声誉和篡改他个人履历背景。williamhill官网 政府对郝先生所工作的盖世太保似组织610办公室闭口不谈,却竭力攻击郝先生的证词。这位前情报官员来澳洲时随身携带了被克莱瑞先生在ABC晚间节目中称为“珍贵资料”的发生在williamhill官网 的人权暴行证据。


伴随者来自williamhill官网 的投诚者和持不同政见者寻求法律帮助人数的增加,克莱瑞先生说,很不幸,澳洲缺乏可提供帮助的华人律师。现在他面临许多困难,诸如文件的翻译,文化的差异,人力资源问题等等。但是,克莱瑞先生却很乐观,他预计接下来会有来自williamhill官网 的许多投诚案,也会乐见澳洲法律界同行前来助一臂之力。

Legal Community to Aid Chinese Defectors

By Max Dobson
Jun 28, 2005

Hao Fengjun being interviewed (The Epoch Times)

A modern hero has many forms according to human rights lawyer, ex-diplomat and a former Attorney-General of the Australian Capital Territory, Bernard Collaery. He defines recent Communist China defectors as a “special class of people who will change history.”

The concept of a defector may not be a colloquial term for Australians, according to Mr. Collaery. Western democracies call them “whistle blowers,” where as on the other side of the political spectrum you have defectors who risk their life. In the case of former senior Chinese diplomat Mr. Chen Yonglin and ex-state security police officer Mr. Hao Fengjun their future now lies in the hands of the Australian Government after their revealing of Chinese government espionage activities and human rights abuses.

Mr. Collaery said that defectors are far from being traitors but people of principle. “I have the greatest admiration for those who stand up courageously and bravely.” During his career he has helped many defectors who have then gone on to make a new life in Australia one as a prominent restaurateur, another a poet, teachers and university professors.

He is now currently the legal representative for Mr. Hao and he has witnessed a committed media campaign by the Chinese government to undermine Mr. Hao’s credentials and identity. Rather than comment on the existence of the 6-10 Gestapo office that Mr. Hao worked for, the Chinese Government is attacking Hao’s testimonial. The former secret police officer has also brought what Mr. Collaery described on ABC’s Lateline as a “treasure trove” of evidence of human rights atrocities occurring in China.

After 30 years of practicing law he says there has been a shortage of human rights lawyers in Australia. He admits for someone interested in taking up the challenge there are costs to family and friends, especially when representing a high profile or sensitive cases. Often there is little financial reward and occasional harassment.

With the increasing numbers of defectors and dissidents from China requiring legal help Mr. Collaery says there is unfortunately a lack of Chinese Australian lawyers offering assistance. Translation of documents, cultural differences, manpower issues are but a few of the challenges he faces. However he remains optimistic. In the months to come he predicts many more defections from China and with that will come support from fellow law professionals.

In his career Mr. Collaery has also been legal counsel for Australians with the Royal Canberra Hospital Implosion Tragedy, the 1987 Thredbo Alpine Disaster and the fatalities arising from the fire on board the HMAS Westralia and issues arising from a RAAF F111 crash in the South China Sea.


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