22岁的williamhill官网 留学生车祸客死硅谷 嫌犯逃逸

发表:2007-02-27 01:05
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一名来自williamhill官网 大陆的交换学生昨日凌晨不幸成为撞车逃逸事件的受害人,当场身亡。当局表示正在积极联系该学生原在大陆的家人,警方指出,肇事嫌犯为一名20岁左右的亚裔男性,呼吁公众提供线索,早日将其捉拿归案。

该名受害学生为22岁的williamhill官网 交换学生Chuan-Zhuo Liu(音译刘川卓),Fremont消防局大队长内优(Mark Neveau)透露,刘川卓往生前住在联合城(Union City)的一个寄宿家庭,就读菲蒙市西北理工大学(Northwestern Polytechnic University)。


加州高速公路巡警指出,刘川卓於昨日凌晨3点25分,因为驾驶的1994年丰田房车抛锚,将车靠边停在州际公路880南向刚过Mission Boulevard出口的路肩。

内优表示,刘川卓曾经打电话向寄宿家庭求救。不幸的是,在寄宿家庭赶到之前,他的丰田遭到一辆2003年凌志Lexus 470运动型多功能车的撞击。

当局指出,该辆凌志当时要下Warm Springs Boulevard出口时,速度太快,打横撞上刘川卓的车。撞击发生以后,因为力道过大,两辆车子滑到离事发现场100码以南的积水地,刘川卓当场身亡。








Police seek driver in crash that killed Chinese student


By Lisa Fernandez
Mercury News

The California Highway Patrol today was still seeking the driver of a sport-utility vehicle that hit a Toyota stuck in the mud near Fremont in the pre-dawn hours Saturday and instantly killed a 22-year-old student from China.

After several international phone calls, Fremont Fire Department Battalion Chief Mark Neveau said he reached the woman who raised the victim -- Liu Chuanzhuo -- and she was driving two hours to an unknown city in China to alert his parents.

Liu was studying at Northwestern Polytechnic University in Fremont, living with an elderly female relative he called ``Grandma.'' That woman didn't speak English but had a neighbor translate for her, Neveau said, when authorities showed up with Chuanzhuo's driver's license, credit cards and school ID. The woman, authorities said, was distraught at the news.

CHP officer Paul Cheever says nvestigators are looking for an Asian man, perhaps 25 or 30 years old, standing about 5 feet 11 inches tall and weighing 150 pounds.

Cheever said the man possibly sustained injuries and was last seen wearing muddy clothes. He was driving a silver 2003 Lexus SUV when it smashed Liu's 1994 Toyota Corolla about 3:25 a.m. That man ran away on foot after the collision, which occurred at the southbound off-ramp of Warm Springs Boulevard off Interstate 880.

Cheever would not disclose to whom the SUV was registered, and said he didn't believe that the driver and Liu knew each other.

Just before the fatal accident, Liu had parked his Toyota in the triangular patch off the exit because he had somehow gotten stuck in the mud, Cheever said. No one knows what he was doing at that hour; authorities said that earlier in the day he had delivered food to a sick friend.

As he made phone calls for help, the SUV drove off the exit at a ``high rate of speed,'' Cheever said, and struck the driver's side of the Toyota. Liu was killed on impact.

The collision caused both cars to slide about 350 feet down a drainage canal, Cheever said, and the Toyota was partially submerged in water.

Fremont police and firefighters searched the area and hospitals for other victims as well as the SUV driver using a thermal imaging camera that can detect body heat -- to no avail. It took 45 minutes to extricate the man from his car. The accident closed parts of the highway until 5:30 a.m.

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