SOS 救命!一位精神残疾人的呐喊

作者:求助人:赵辉 发表:2009-12-29 19:16
手机版 正体 打赏 0个留言 打印 特大



我杀人放火了吗?没有!我违法乱纪了吗?没有!我是"三种势力--恐怖、极端、分裂"吗?那williamhill官网 政法机关要给我明文定性啊!如此以看不见的制裁场力迫害一位精神残疾人,人道主义置于何处呢?嘉兴市要把我赶走,把我赶到美国,那我可真是喜从天降啊!怎能用秦桧式的"莫须有"反人类措施制裁我呢!矿产资源研究所、四川冶金地质勘探局、成都理工大学、新疆司法厅及律师协会、巴州司法局及新疆阳光律师事务所等333;位的黑社会有组织犯罪,国家政权怠于侦办,赵勇、赵季红等丧尽天良、禽兽不如的行径,国家政权听之任之,我从事控诉活动近30年导致精神残疾,怎么等同于反社会活动呢?国家政权放弃抑恶ৗ6;善的功能,放任"丛林法则"盛行,倚重黑恶势力,沾污法律权威,制造国际笑话,如果将来有一天复制前苏联分崩离析的影像,我一点也不感到惊奇!

我的电脑报废了,如同战士失去了武器,一篇论文无法完成,我不能用论文作武器,揭露当前的万恶社会的运动规律,为人间正道呐喊。在这近一个月内,车票交通、培训学习、求政府、找工作,700元快花尽了,我即将陷入饥饿中。我被自己的导师教授、自己的血缘亲人、泼妇型律师迫害成了一位精神残疾人,如何担当起闹国家分裂、从事恐怖活动的"荣誉"呢!一位因迫害致残的残疾人,其社会遭遇和待遇竟比其他类型的残疾人还要悲剧十分,被williamhill官网 社会彻底抛弃,完全是归因于大部份williamhill官网 人已经抛弃了"礼义廉耻"等人生信仰。








我不是williamhill官网 人啦!

我在北京中央政府有关部门如国家信访局、中纪委、教育部、国土资源部、人事部、司法部、williamhill官网 地质科学院等上访控告半年多,竟然没有一个部门受理。为什么?用信访局一位官员的答复作为答案:"你的问题没有政策和法律依据解决。"用williamhill官网 地质科学院一位处长作为不予受理的理由:"我们在处理你的问题方面程序上是正确的。"我在北京上访控告半年多,被迫在街头摆摊为冤民代写诉状求生存,没有一名北京、四川、浙江、新疆的地方官员搭理我,倒是戴红箍的老头老太把我撵得像老鼠一样到处乱窜,尤其在共产党"十七大"期间,受国务院命令,数千名地方官员奉命汇集北京,领着高额补助,动用各种手段,把他们的臣民捉拿回乡限制其人身自由。但是没有一个地方政府捉拿我回乡。我好渴望被捉拿返乡啊!但是williamhill官网 之大,没有属于我的一张床板。这个事实本身就证明了我不是地方政府的臣民,进而不是williamhill官网 政府的臣民。我每当看到地方政府官员把鬼哭狼嚎"救命!抓人啦!"的臣民抓拽登车,甚至坐飞机护送返乡,我好羡慕啊!我一生还没坐过飞机呢!我渴望被捉拿返乡,我愿意进精神病院,至少有一张睡觉的床板,但是我付不起住院费用;我不愿意进劳教院,尤其特别不愿意进监狱,因为我是遵纪守法的williamhill官网 第一号模范蠢猪,通过了国家司法考试,成为一名执业律师为自己申冤,进了监狱可真是冤上加冤,无以复加。我渴望成为一名williamhill官网 公民!我愿意!


北京上访村地域内通常聚集了数千名冤民,三教九流,各色人等。有些生命力之顽强,竟能存活十余年;有些生命力之脆弱,竟以自杀抱冤终身;有些生命力之猥琐,竟不如蚂蚁,冻饿病死那是常有的人间惨剧。我在北京上访村苟延残喘,为冤民代写诉状,真是应验了那句名言"世界真奇妙,不看不知道"。我相信上访村片区民警的真知灼见代表了国家处理冤民的政策:"如果中央政府为一名冤民解决了问题,他的家乡就会来10名,不要把北京挤爆了!国家处在这样一个发展阶段,必须要牺牲两代甚至三代人的利益作为发展的代价,如同英国的"圈地运动"一样,这是国家现代化的必然历史规律。"罢了,罢了,谁让我不幸生在了williamhill官网 ?!我就把自己当作是这个国家发展过程中已经牺牲掉了的一名公民,上访控告、法律维权、实现正义事业从此就让他们寿终正寝吧!我后悔啊,把胆汁都悔出来啦!我二十年前就应该觉醒:法律,那只是国家身上穿戴的名牌服装,金银珠宝,主要功能是装潢遮羞,用来招摇过市;末端功能是保暖御寒,用来施舍弱势阶级。我倒是100%地寄托于国家法律救济,看见"皇帝的新衣",不是怀疑皇帝有没有穿衣服,而是怀疑自己是不是色盲,是不是愚蠢,是不是患上了精神分裂症。法律是有专利属性的,我是堂吉珂德式的遵纪守法"蠢猪",怎么做出了违反《著作权法》、《专利法》、《保护文学艺术作品伯尔尼公约》、《世界版权公约》、《专利合作条约》、《保护表演者、唱片制作者和广播组织的国际公约(罗马公约)》等等知识产权法律的行为呢?!我怎么说出教授和律师穿戴"皇帝的新衣"呢!我怎么侵犯了这些教授和律师欺世盗名、男盗女娼的知识产权呢!我是戴罪之人啊!我是叛徒内奸啊!我怎么把法律当作护身盾牌呢!我可真是新版堂吉珂德啊!


我可真是新版"祥林嫂"啊,嘀咕了上面那些体会。祥林嫂省下口粮,向庙宇捐了一张门板,完成了精神"赎身"。以她为榜样,我必须挣钱活命,向大学和律师所捐出我的著作和钱财,完成法律"赎身"。我读书读到博士,坚持不懈的英语操练和技能培训让我能够以此活命,我持有国家司法考试资格证书、报检员资格证、报关员资格证、外汇核销员证、计算机应用能力中级证、建筑预算员证,我接受过外贸业务、建筑工程、CAD制图等专业培训,我从事过执业律师、报关员、预算员等等职业。基于以上专业知识,我幸运地活到了今天,潜心研读williamhill官网 法律。自从williamhill官网 建立和施行律师制度以来,只有我,一名灾难深重的冤民,一名世界上独一无二的学术难民,流浪williamhill官网 为自己申冤,崇拜williamhill官网 法律,怀着对司法正义的虔诚,发展成为一名williamhill官网 注册执业律师为自己申冤,但是灾难接踵而至,这真是一场人道主义灾难。


一、1982年9月我从成都地质学院考入williamhill官网 地质科学院研究生部。导师吴必豪对我实施了恶劣的的人身侮辱行为:导师与同办公室姑娘程某某维持情人关系二年,湿手粘上了干面粉。导师为了维护他师道尊严的形象,摆脱他的窘境,强令我与程某某谈恋爱结婚。如果遵守师道,我这一辈子就要为我的恩师抚养他的二奶了。我的耻辱感、憎恶感和悲痛感已游离出了我和身体,我的精神世界彻底跨了。williamhill官网 地质科学院矿产资源研究所及williamhill官网 地质科学院对吴必豪实施的侵犯人权行为负有管理不当的责任,为了单位的利益,表现为渎职、遮掩,变更法人登记等等,对我的悲惨遭遇没有采取救济措施,而是编造弥天大谎并广为散布,编织出了一件用"善良、慈悲和博学的教授教育和培养出了孝顺、牺牲和创新的学生"的独有专利布料的"皇帝的新衣",胜过《卖拐》小品里的赵本山,拿出了"把五百年前死去的名儒如明朝的方孝儒游说活转过来"的祖传独门绝技,把这"皇帝的新衣"推销给了某些--党政官员、新疆各族人民、香港爱国人士、台湾学术名流和日本朋友。williamhill官网 地质科学院--williamhill官网 最高级地质学术科研院所--在首都皇城根下兢兢业业和淋漓尽致地从事着伟大神圣的"光着屁股推磨,转着圆圈丢人"的事业,表现出一伙杰出泼妇应有的高级素质。

二、1990年3月我考入成都地质学院,成为一名攻读石油天然气专业的博士研究生。因为我的学术发明成果推翻了彭大钧(时任副院长)的天然气储层异常压力理论,彭大钧等人大耍"学阀"作风,玩弄阴谋诡计,滥用行政权力,欲加之罪,何患无词,定我六项不实之词,抗拒导师罗蛰潭学术自由的主张和支持我完成博士论文的决定,给与我"勒令退学"处分,诈骗我工作分配去向,把我赶出学校,流浪社会,衣食无着。随后,彭大钧等人又抢掠我的学术发明成果,侵占、挪用和私分某香港友人资助我的科研经费,骗取科研成果奖,名利双收。成都地质学院庇护、纵容和支持彭大钧等教授们侵犯我的学生受教育权力、学术权力、民主权力和人身权力,抢掠我的知识产权和财产权,戏弄、欺诈香港友人15年,多次变更法人登记,制作刑事判决书(嘴叭宣判),白天在williamhill官网 表演"金牌园丁"角色,夜晚在美国表演"人权卫士"角色,等等不一而足,充分表现了"我是流氓我怕誰"。


四:贪官包二奶、三奶、四奶乃至146奶(通称情妇),乃williamhill官网 特色。诚然各国男人都好色、都有情欲,但像新疆建设兵团农二师贪官赵勇,我的亲哥那样贪婪、具有崇高的爱情信仰、没有道德底线实属世界二百国所未有。赵勇,现任农二师驻广州办事处主任(前三十三团副团长),与他的二位老婆--左萍和左玲姐妹--幸福地生活着,他们三人的妖精爱情故事为中华五千年所仅见。他们打破"兔子不吃窝边草"的动物界规律,腐败公共社会倒也罢了,竟然遗弃父母,贪污亲弟的封口钱。赵勇以拥有一对姐妹花妻子为自己成功男人的象征且万分自豪,"像我这样级别的领导干部谁没有几个情人?这不仅是生理的需要,更是身份的象征,否则,别人会打心眼里瞧不起你"。也正是农二师广大干部职工、老人儿童、三教九流四海传颂的佳话。正如乡邻向我的母亲反映他大儿子的丑行时,我这位一辈子抽筋糊涂的老母亲喜形于色"他们二姐妹愿意,我儿子还要当师长、当司令呢",全不思考和推理她晚年的发展。老母亲被遗弃在养老院里竟护理费都讨不着证明了二奶腐败学(情妇腐败学)可谓博大精深矣。


我要千方百计存活下来,活下来就是胜利,是科学的胜利,正义的胜利,法律的胜利。正是我用活生生事实证明和揭穿了那些金牌教授和律师编织和卖拐"皇帝的新衣"祖传专利产权,那些金牌教授和律师给我罗织了诸如反社会流氓、恐怖分子和疆独人士等等骇人听闻的莫须有罪名,把我改造成一名为自己伸冤的执业律师和学术难民。这些金牌教授和律师如同一伙没有灵魂的暗娼,面对妙龄学生、发明创新和金钱财富,不问不管社会道德、伦理亲情和法律正义,骗到手里就敢嫖,抢到手里就敢占,拿到手里就敢花,而把造成的社会危机和灾难千方百计地转嫁到苦难民众的身上。一旦没有勇敢人士奋起斗争,那些金牌教授和律师就摆出普渡众生的观音菩萨架子,迎接虔诚信众的顶礼摩拜和献金花红;而一旦奋起斗争,那些金牌教授和律师就装出倍受冤屈的娼妓模样,祭出义和团巫师"刀枪不入"的魔咒,挟持国家命运和儿童学生作为人质。那些金牌教授和律师得势时,在williamhill官网 是正义力量的化身和百姓幸福的保护神,对反对派是刀刀见骨;失势时,在美国等西方是民主人权斗士和独裁政权统治下的苦难百姓的拯救者,对老百姓是侠胆柔情。千百年来,这样的活报剧在williamhill官网 各个朝代一幕幕周期性演义。关于那些金牌教授和律师的禽兽本质,与我蒙受苦难的原因,我做了某些方面的研究,请敬启者研究和讨论附件论文。

我不可能回williamhill官网 地质科学院,因为被诅咒;我不可能回四川冶金地质勘探局,因为被诅咒;我不可能回成都理工大学,因为被诅咒;我不可能回新疆阳光律师事务所,因为被诅咒;我不可能回新疆兵团农二师三十三团,因为被诅咒。这是想当然的,我没有法理和道理,不能违反公俗良序,摧毁这些教授和律师的春秋伟业,揽乱他们的爱情伊甸园。因为教授和律师还要依赖其油头粉面混迹于上流社会,因为我的亲人----哥哥、弟弟、妹妹把我的封口活命钱贪污侵占的一分不剩。我的哥哥赵勇与姐妹花二个老婆左萍和左玲共同生活在一起,他(她们)的爱情史诗天荒地老,惊天动地,在农二师广为传颂。为了他们的贪污侵占永久化,他们咒骂我,拒绝我回家乡。新疆农二师的一名共产党干部,我的亲哥赵勇,正在模范地实践着"没有最无耻的,只有更无耻的"执政创新理念。农二师的广大农垦职工、老人、学生孩童都在欢呼又一曲"天方夜谈"的"既要做婊子又要立牌坊"的妖精传奇的新的吉尼斯纪录诞生。我被那些金牌教授和律师的妖精攻略毁了一辈子,祈求他们良心发现那纯粹是天方夜谭。如果敬启者怀疑这些是耸人听闻,那么不妨亲自赴上述地方实地调查研究,我敢打赌,你们一定不虚此行,一定会惊骇,一定会感慨"做人竟能无耻到这种地步",一定会发自内心的"世界真奇妙,不看不知道"。






A Humanitarian Calamity

For sake of the survival under ruthless persecution
My God, I have gotten non-Chinese!

Having engaged in the petition and accusation against the below units by calling on the officials of the Central Government ,such as State Bureau of Lodging Complaints, the Central Discipline Inspection Committee of the CPC, Ministry of Education, Ministry of Country Resource, Ministry of Personnel, Justice Ministry,Chinese Academy of Geological Science, for more half of year, really I tried to find something of justice and humanity, and finally got null fed back by either appellate department. Why? This is an answer, a reply of State Bureau of Lodging Complaints, that there are no police and legal criterions that solve your petition. This is a dismissal reason to cite a rejoinder of a Division Chief of Chinese Academy of Geological Science:"The procedure we finish you is correct." In the more than half year petition and accusation in Beijing and upon economic surviving compulsion of setting up a ground stall and writing the indictments for the petitioners, to my surprise, I looked after a lot of the local officials from Beijing, Sichuan, Zhejiang and Xinjiang passing by aside the stall hastily, actually who all didn't rap to me. By contraries, I was driven out like a mouse walloping everywhere by the old geezers and carlines. Especially, in period of CPC Congress 17th, by order of State Department,there was a sudden influx of the dozen of hundreds of local officials appointed onto Beijing, who drawn rich traveling allowance and used various means to arrest their subjects back to hometown as well as to limit the subjects' freedom. However, there is no a local government who arrests me back to the hometown. Oh, how thirsty am I for arresting back to the hometown! However, so such vast China really even fails to allot a bed belonging to me. This fact in itself proves that I am not one subject of the local governments, and then by further reasoning I am not one citizen of Chinese government. Whenever I watched the street drama the local government officials press-ganged their subjects (petitioners), who set up wild shrieks and howls "Help me! False arrest!" ,onto a car, even took the airplane back to the hometown under the officials' convoy .How do I like to envy it! It is my ruthless life that I haven't taken the airplane yet!I'm thirsty for arresting back to the hometown, and I am willing to be caught into an asylum, and at least have a bed for sleep, but it is pity that I can't afford to pay the bill of the asylum. I would not like to be arrested into a camp of reeducation through labor, would even not like to be arrested to a jail particularly anyway, because it is so stupid that I am a pig of the No .1 in China who observes disciplines and law, passed the State Judicial Test, become a professional lawyer to appeal for redress of an injustice by oneself. If I were to be arrested into the jail, the injustice of mine suffering would be doubled extremely unluckily. I am thirsty for becoming to a Chinese citizen! I will!

I am one topped with crime!

The Peking petitioners' village region usually came together several thousand wronged petitioners, all sorts of people from China everywhere. Some with stubborn vitalities, can survive more than ten years unexpectedly; some, with flimsiness vitalities, suicide themselves with suffering wrongs unexpectedly; And some, with trivial vitalities, not equal to a gang of ants, are frozen, famished to death and die of illness unexpectedly. These tragic incidents of the man-made calamities often take place repeatedly at interval in the region. With lingering on in a steadily worsening condition at the petitioners' village In more than half year, while I wrote the indictments for the petitioners suffering the wrong for sake of survival , what I saw and heard was fulfilled with that famous saying" The world is so really marvelous, one don't know who Is not full of curiosity". I believe that the penetrating judgment of the community policeman at the village represented the police that our Nation do by the petitioners ------" If the Central Government resolved the problem for a petitioner, the above 10 ones would come to Beijing from his hometown. If so do, wouldn't the dozens of thousands of petitioners from everywhere of China result in Peking to explode! The Nation stands in such a development stage, the profits of two or even three generations must are sacrificed as the cost of development, like" Enclosure Movement" of U.K. .. This is inevitable history rule of the national modernization." Alas, alas, why even really was I born in China unfortunately? I would regard myself as a member who have already sacrificed own profits in this progression. So, all the petition and accusation, sticking up for own rights by law and fulfilling justice are had died peacefully in bed from now on. How regretted I am, so that I am so regretted that my bile has overflowed out of my body! 20 years ago, I should have come to understand: It is Law, and Law equivalent to which the nation wears the nameplate dresses, bullion jewelry that mainly performs a function in upholstering and covering up her scandal, in use of swaggering thru the street, at the extremity of the function in warming up, in use of handing out the weak class. It is foolish of mine who repose all the hopes in legal relief. Seeing his new dress, who does not doubt whether the emperor take a streaking or not, but also doubt whether oneself falls into achromatopsia or not, whether foolishness or not, whether schizophrenia or not. Seeing Law inheres class attributes, on earth why I, the pig in mood of Toujiked, act on having violated Copyright Law, Patent Law, Berne Convention, Universal Copyright Convention, Patent Cooperation Treaty and Rome Convention.......etc. Why do I point up the professors and lawyers to wear on the Emperor's new Clothing! Why do I violate the intellectual right hold by the professors and lawyers, of which they gain fame by deceiving the public on behaving like thieves and prostitutes? With crime topped am I. What both renegade and fink I am! I have cherished no the Social Conscience and Justice duo to charge the professors and lawyers of criminal , because I have skinned and gutted these professors and lawyers who stuff law, virtue and morality in their mouth but cram themselves with the supreme talents that the male professors and lawyers are robbers and the female harlots. Why do I regard Law of the Disabled Right Guarantee as a talisman . Am I indeed a new version of Figure Doujiked.

Double status of academic refugee and licensed lawyer undertake to redress an injustice

Am I indeed a new version of Figure Lady Xianglin (Lu Xun's works), murmuring lots of the experience mentioned above. Lady Xianglin, saving her meal expense, fulfilled to Redeem Herself in mental by way of abandoning a door plate to the temple. With copying the example of Lady Xianglin, I must make money and survive, and perform the legal Redeem Myself by way of abandoning my workers and money to the universities and lawyer firms. I studied up to the Doctor degree, remorseless English practice and technique training make me survive to today luckily by the skills------- I hold the Qualification Certificate of National Judicial Profession , the Qualification Certificate of CIQ Declarer, the Qualification Certificate of Customs Applicant, the Certificate of Foreign Exchange Checker, the Certificate of Computer Skills Level-ⅱ, the Certificate of Construction Budgeter , and I accepted the training in the fields of international trade , construction , Auto CAD and so on , and I engaged in practicing lawyer , Customs applicant , construction budgeter, beggar and so on .But I have not found where the justice lies in China. Since the establishment and executive of the lawyer system of China, only it is me, a calamity-ridden grievant personal unique academic refugee in the world, that wandered far a field in China for my grievance, To study and bow down to law with great godliness to judicial justice, I developed into a notional registered lawyer to redress an injustice for me. One calamity after the other strike against me. It is really a humanitarian calamity.

Favor me with a Job on base of humanitarian

In view of the knowledge and experiences , I translate the documents and data for you with all sincerity in fields of such as law, international trade, civil engineering, electronics engineering and computer...etc., with adequate quality . I indeed realize this current society is very realistic. So, if you have the doubt to my translation skills, please you are requested to contrast the paper attached of the Chinese version and English one with estimating Chinese-English translation skills. After doing so, I believe you would consign the translations-ready to me full of reassurance. In view of my very and very difficult situation at present after coming to Haining, I beg you would favor me with job on base of humanitarian. At past I engaged in amending shoes, street stall, coolie and beggar etc., at present I would like to job in either proper one such as a guard or dustman. Only given meal assures me not to starve to death tomorrow. Only allotted bed assures me not to drive away out of a dome by a landlord tomorrow. I am anxious of jobbing, I will. I am thirsty for surviving, even if as like a pig lives, I will.
The ghost stories of a group of the professors and lawyers humiliate the whole humanity in the world

A. To be admitted by Post-Graduate School Of Chinese Academy Of Geological Science after the graduation of Geological College Of Chengdu in September of 1982 ,Supervisor Bihao Wu carried into execution of an absurd play that insulted soul of myself------- he enforced me to make love match of his inamorato for sake of the solid of the statue No Offence Of Teacher's Doctrine and a great jump out of a corner , when he had been an inamorato of Ms. Cheng in same office for two years ,saying going "Wet hands adhere dry flour ". If you comply with the teacher, my life will be my mentor for the upbringing of his mistress.The pneuma of mine collapsed so entirely that I put a strong sense of shame ,hate and bitterness out of my body . Institute of Mineral Resources Institute of Chinese Academy Of Geological Science took on an obligation of false management of Wu infringing my human right: for the benefit of the unit, she behaved on misprision and shelter, alteration of legal person registration,.....etc., and slacked off rescuing me from siege. By contraries, she falsified a big lie and then spread it to everyone everywhere, having knitted an Imperatorial New Clothing by unique patent materials of which a goodness, mercy and wise teach father had brought up a fealty, sacrifice and innovation post-graduate. Exceeding to Star Zhao Bensan in Sale Walking Staff and putting to super magical use of unmatched skills "Xiaoru Fang, a famous scholar died 500 years ago, turns death into aliveness with posing and speechifying repeatedly after repeatedly", she works hard to sales promotion of the Imperatorial New Clothing to somebody of the Party and government officials, all Xinjiang nationalities, Sichuan people, HK patriots, Taiwan scholars and Japan friends. Chinese Academy Of Geological Science, the superlative geological science organ, deal with a great and sacred "One turns in the cycle and lose his face who is in the nude and pushes forward a millstone " ,cautious and conscientious incisively and vividly, along the Capital palace circumvallation, thus put up the superior quality with a gang of topping vixens are charactered.

B. I was admitted by Geological College of Chengdu as a postgraduate studying for doctor degree in the major of oil & natural gas in March 1990. Because this was by my academic inventions that the theory of abnormal press in the natural gas in Sichuan Basin he set up was overthrew, as well as the other scholar-tyrant geological opinions, Dajun Pen, Vice-President of the time, brutishly showed the supervisor authority and maliciously accused me with six items of false witnesses to attempt the flunk of my paper .But Supervisor Zhetan Luo insisted on academic democracy and supported me to finish the paper. By the systems of intriguing and plotting against me , taking the law into their own hands ,maltreating administrative power, the college disciplined me for academic freedom with Compelling To Leave School and expelled me out of the college with saying "Those who intend to criminate the opponent do not worry about finding the evidences ". And further, the college hoodwink me with a false appointed unit and expelled me out of the college by compulsion measure in result that I have led a vagrant life for 15 years .After I was deprived from educational right ,Dajun Pen and the others rebelled the academic conclusions by person into which they appraised my paper through discussion and robbed my invention as well as cry shame on me and stabbed my reputation with thousands of falsehoods and libels and had the robbed academic achievements awarded several prizes of Sichuan Technological Progress ,with fames and wealth all gained . At the same time, the college seized, embezzled and share secretly the fund for doctor study on which a HK friend supported me, with a quite portion of money pocketed by some scholars. In a brief sentence, the college sheltered, tolerated and stood by Dajun Pen, a representative of the corrupt academic gang to infringe upon the rights to the education, academy, academic freedom, democracy, human body, and to rob my intellectual property and the fund. And it is so shameless that the university authority and some professors have being played tricks on the Hong Kong benefactor for 15 years, alternate legal person registration many time, declare the penal judgments against me in oral .....etc., they play "Golden Gardeners" drama in China on day as well as "Human Right bodyguards" opera. They fully put up "I, one professional gangster, am without fear of whoever brings his dare at all."

C. When I switched to Xinjiang Yangguang Lawyer Firm from Zhejiang Jinyuan Lawyer Firm in August of 2005, I was endowed with an amount of subsistence cost by the lawyer colleagues at Jiaxing Lawyer Association, containing the social premium, relief funds, preferential job placement and house allocation. And when working in lawyer practice, I obtain the faithful support with RMB88000 Yuans of lawyer education-continuous tuition by Shanghai Lawyer Prelection Team to Xinjiang and RMB10000 Yuans of living expenses by a lawyer of Wuhan Lawyer Prelection Team to Xinjiang in the last quarter of 2005. After Xinjiang Lawyer Association as a fiduciary guardian took over the money , Xinjiang Lawyer Association didn't took the money at one cent to transport and place the refugee settlement and lawyer profession of mine under her care or keeping. But counter to her promise do wholly, Xinjiang Lawyer Association seized, embezzled and share secretly the beneficence for them in privacy. All the beneficence obeyed the lawyer's order and was surnamed the lawyer, as like a beauty of beauties becomes the lawyer's party's litigant since enrolled into the Xinjiang lawyers' justice halls such as Xinjiang Lawyer Association, Bayinguolen Mongolia Autonomy State Lawyer Association, and Xinjiang Yangguan Lawyer Firm. Those golden lawyers ------- bad elements ------- opened out awe-inspiring male figure fully and wholly, greatly heightened the self-confidence and amour-propre with which they serves as the policeman, judge and procurator in first quality. With what to me the actions mentioned above contrast unfavorably is those golden lawyers yapped at me as like a gang of vixen shouted abuses in the street and didn't not absolutely passed even one cent on me, attempting to put me in a life rattrap or ship off me into prison. Latter on, after I was enforced to leave my hometown because of lack of living expenses and return to Jiaxing, the lawyers at Jiaxing was extremely puzzled. When Jiaxing bristled with anger to Xinjiang Lawyer Association, she mocked and jeered at the philanthropic act or project of the charitable persons, turning to miff and transforming a gang of vixens. These golden lawyers, including a national excellent lawyer, emerging the bad members' genius, played a scheming trick beyond/without example in the history of the world, full of showing their professional talents, legal relief power and the tactical ruse to attack in order to defend. These golden lawyers fall into hallucinosis that they run public security organs, procuratorial organizations and courthouses, and they had been the judicial justice angel. I turned to the victim of a cruel hoax.

C: Corrupting officials spend the mistresses, two,three , and even 146 (commonly known as his mistress), is a Chinese characteristics. It is true that countries are lecherous men have the mistresses passions, but as the Agricultural Division Two , the Xinjiang Construction Corps corrupt Zhao, my senior brother , a Communist Official as greed, love with the noble belief, no moral bottom line is not anyway another sample around the world's 200 countries. Zhao Yong, the director of in Guangzhou Office of the Agricultural Division Two , with his two wives - Zhuo Ping and Zhuo Ling ,a couple of sisters ,live happy life in their fairy tale . Their three creditable family are not found another model in 5000 years of China Culture anyway.They break the law of the animal kingdom the " A rabbit does not eat the grass around his nest ." My senior brother corruptions of the public society still lend some lawyer's words to escape,but he has abandon parents, grafted the pro-survival money of mine ,younger brother. Zhao Yong regards the prizes with a pair of sister wives as symbol of the success of a Man, "Who have not marry with several women lovers like me , standing on the level of the leading cadres? This is not only physiological needs, but also is a symbol of identity, otherwise someone else will look down on you. " Universally famous story ,It is also eulogized everywheretwo divisions of agricultural cadres and workers, by the elderly and children,cadres and workers, people in all walks of life in the Agricultural Division Two. As the admire report to my mother that his senior son's disgraceful conduct, my old mother , who has lived woozy life in her whole life , even radiant with joy "two sisters who are willing, my son promotes her future advancing to take on the division commander, the commander of the group." The mistress of corruption theory advances both extensively and profoundly, say in a manner of speaking.

A petition from an academic refugee

I must leave no stone unturned to survive. To survive all perils is a victory, scientific victory, justicial victory, legal victory. It is the vivid facts that I prove and emerge the patents that the golden professors and lawyers knit and cheatingly sale The Imperial New Clothing. The golden professors and lawyers make over me to an academic refugee and registered lawyer to wipe out a disgrace for myself because they incriminate me falsely of some appalling guiltiness of anti-society, terrorist and Xinjiang-Independent activist. It is impossible that I come back to Chinese Academy of Geological Science because I am under a curse t. It is impossible that I come back to Sichuan Metallurgical Geological Explored Corporation because I am under a curse. It is impossible that I come back to Chengdu University of Technology because I am under a curse. It is impossible that I come back to Chengdu University of Technology because I am under a curse. It is impossible that I come back to Xinjiang Yangguang Lawyer Firm because I am under a curse. It is impossible that I come back to my hometown Farm33 of Xinjiang because I am under a curse. I, whole life, have been ruined by the machinating golden professors and lawyers. Beg the machinators to rebuilt their conscience is purely found to be Arabian nights. If to doubt these deliberately exaggerate so as to create a sensation, any readers might well go to the places in person to take an on-the-spot investigation. I bet, you must have a worthy trip, must been stunned, must sigh with emotion "One behaves on shameless so far to this degree", must murmur in your heart of hearts "The world is so odd that you will remain confused and muddled if you will not often take care".

I assure to the readers: I have given up the struggle to seek legal relief. I indeed do so -------Early or late I wandered around Guangdong , Jiangsu and Zhejiang to seek a job, even live a period of beggar, after retreat to redress an injustice in defeat out of Beijing . I almost daily found a job at the Jiaxing Talent Market, even appealed to Xingjia Street Office, and gone to several appointed companies to exam face to face, when having bivouacked in the waiting room of Jiaxing Train Station and the dismantled broken house of construction site beside the talent market for more one month, but I was regarded as a cheat and deliration. By force of no choice, I go to Zhejiang Haining and hang ad scroll to contract bilingual translation, but it is pity not to do one. I was called to a company to exam face to face, but the boss handed out RMB 20 to me.

I am really anxious of surviving, the surviving being the victory. I have gotten 48 years old, and although some professors and lawyers induce with hearty of hearties me to give up resist, to shift psychology, honor the teacher and respect his teaching, the thought and emotion, spirit and suffering of mine are bewritten out in no way in all the languages of the world as long as I remind these ghost stories of the golden professors and lawyers and I in my whole life have been destroyed. Because I comprehend the legal essence and give in grain up the legal relief, I know that it is in vain that I intend to exact all the youth, status of geological staff, intellectual property and money. In view of my very and very difficult situation at present after coming to Zhejiang , I beg you would favor me with job on base of humanitarian. At past I engaged in amending shoes, street stall, coolie and beggar, etc., at present I would like to job in either proper one such as a guard or dustman. Only given meal assures me not to starve to death tomorrow. Only allotted bed assures me not to drive away out of a dome by a landlord tomorrow. I am anxious of jobbing, I will. I am thirsty for surviving, even if as like a pig lives, I will.

Ever 2 months ago I was detained back to Jiaxing by the policemen under guard and setted in talent apartment, everywhere I hurl the resume to seek a job but have no fruit so far, times subjected to humiliation.I am the psychotic disable and am classed into a ghost,so no one concern my life. I am enforced to live beggar every day .I am a real social foundling.I don't know how to do . Only one way after sending out this article I again want go to Peking and have to make appealing and write the lawsuit petitions for the injustice wronged to maintenance life. Now I be placed in predicament that the old has no keep, the disease has no cure, the residence has no house, with being plagued by both poverty and illness, with begging to live. When been driven from pillar to post, sincerely I write this paper as weapon, defending the legal rights of one the psychotic-disable , in hope of stirring up the resonance of human rights warrior and then hanging over humanism help.

It is not denied that I lie in gaining one day only when I am alive one day.If the philanthropist full of humanitarianism subsidize my endowment insurance and medical treatment insurance, my remaining years saved.

The ghost behaviors of the golden professors and lawyers show no the most impudicity but only the more and more impudicity!

Academic refugee: Hui Zhao
Phone Online: 0573-87199551,
ID No. 510103196009286773
E-mail: [email protected]
Jiaxing City , Zhejiang Province



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