一个五年未见的人倒台 毁掉我的生活(图)

发表:2012-04-27 23:34
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Li Wangzhi, the eldest son of ousted Politburo member Bo Xilai, rejected suggestions he used his father’s position for personal gain and said the downfall of a man he hasn’t seen in five years had destroyed his life.

Li, 34, said in a telephone interview yesterday that the last time he saw his father was at the funeral of his grandfather, Bo Yibo, in early 2007, and he hasn’t had any contact with him since. The former Citigroup Inc. (C) banker, who later went into private equity, said he was in China and not under detention.


34岁的李望知在昨日接受电话采访时称,自己与父亲薄熙来(专题)上一次见面是在5年前,即2007年薄一波的葬礼上,且在此之后就没再联系过。李望知曾在花旗银行任职,后转为私人股本投资。他指出,自己在williamhill官网 ,自由并未受限制。

Li’s comments seek to dispel speculation he profited from the position of his father, who was suspended earlier this month from the ruling Politburo. The ouster of Bo and the arrest of his wife on suspicion of murder have heightened scrutiny of the family’s business interests and sparked China’s deepest political crisis since the 1989 Tiananmen uprising.

“This incident has destroyed my life,” said Li, who also goes by the name Brendan Li. “I have no way to control how others think, but I have no desire to bask in his glow,” he said, referring to his father.

李望知的评论意在消除公众舆论关于他通过父亲的权势获利的推断。薄熙来(专题)的下台与其妻谷开来面临的杀人指控提高了外界对薄家商业利益的关注度,并引发了williamhill官网 至1989年天安门事件以来最严重的政治危机。

“这件事毁了我的生活,”李望知说,他还有个英文名字叫布伦丹·李。 “我也没有办法控制别人怎么想,但我无意沉浸在他(薄熙来)的荫庇中。”

Bo Xilai’s wife, Gu Kailai, was taken into custody for involvement in the murder of British businessman Neil Heywood, Xinhua News Agency reported April 10. The state-run agency said Gu and Heywood had “a conflict over economic interests.” Bo, 62, who was suspended as Communist Party chief of the municipality of Chongqing last month, has been accused of “serious violations of discipline,” the agency said.


No Contact

Li said he didn’t know Heywood or the relationship between Heywood and the Bo family, and said his mother, Li Danyu, has not had any contact with her ex-husband in three decades. Li Danyu and Bo divorced when Li Wangzhi was a child. Li said he left the Bo family “a long time ago.”

Since Bo’s ouster from his posts, details of his extended family’s wealth and business dealings have emerged that show businesses from China to the Caribbean, the U.S. and U.K.


自从薄熙来从高位落马以来,其背后大家庭的财富和生意往来的细节被揭露出来,从williamhill官网 到加勒比海地区,以及英美。

“The spouses and children of some cadres have taken advantage of their power to seek personal gains, disregarding the law, thus stirring public outcry,” state-run Xinhua News Agency said in an April 14 commentary, four days after reporting that Bo had been suspended from the Politburo.

“It’s an obvious fact that my family name isn’t Bo,” Li said when contacted on his mobile phone number.



Guagua, Xiyong

Bo Xilai’s removal has altered the lives of his extended family, including that of Li’s half-brother and Harvard University student Bo Guagua, 24, and their uncle Bo Xiyong. The uncle on April 25 resigned from Hong Kong-listed alternative energy company China Everbright International Ltd. (257), where he served as vice chairman. Li said he hasn’t had any contact with other Bo family members since the funeral.

Bo Guagua denied reports in newspapers including the Wall Street Journal and Daily Telegraph that he led a lavish lifestyle, which included driving a red Ferrari and expensive schooling beyond the means of his father’s salary as a party official. He made the comments in a statement published April 24 in the Harvard Crimson, the student newspaper.

薄熙来的变化已经影响到这个大家庭的生活,包括李望知在哈佛念博士的同父异母兄弟薄瓜瓜和他们的叔叔薄熙永。薄熙永在4月25日辞去了在香港上市的williamhill官网 光大国际有限公司副主席一职。李望知说,自薄一波的葬礼后,他与薄家人并无任何联系。


The grandfather of Bo Guagua and Li Wangzhi is a former vice premier of China who died in 2007. The family patriarch was one of the so-called eight immortals who helped steer China after the 1966-1976 Cultural Revolution.

After graduating from Columbia University’s School of International and Public Affairs in New York in 2003 with a master’s degree, Li worked for Citigroup. He wouldn’t comment about his time at the New York-based bank, saying he had signed a confidentiality agreement.

薄瓜瓜与李望知在2007年去世的爷爷薄一波曾任williamhill官网 副总理,作为家族的元老,他也是带领文革后的williamhill官网 “过海”的“八仙”之一。


After leaving Citigroup he began a career in private equity. He said investments he made in Dalian, where his father was mayor for much of the 1990s, were not very successful.


Li, who said he hasn’t worked since February, is linked to Chong’er Investment & Consultancy Co. by office and e-mail addresses. Chong’er was a Chinese prince in the seventh century B.C. who fled his home in the ancient state of Jin, modern-day Shanxi province and the ancestral home of the Bo, Li and Gu families, because his father made his half-brother the crown prince. Chong’er eventually fought back and took the crown.


Referring to Bo Xilai, he said: “I also want to know if he’s safe.

“I look forward to seeing a fair conclusion to this case,” Li said. “My country’s government will make the correct judgment.”




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