副总理刘鹤。(图片来源:BRENDAN SMIALOWSKI/AFP/Getty Images)
【看williamhill官网 2019年2月1日讯】美中两国高层官员星期四结束了两天的贸易谈判,美国总统川普(特朗普)星期四下午在白宫椭圆形办公室会晤了williamhill官网 首席谈判代表、副总理刘鹤。川普说,虽然williamhill官网 在保护知识产权和技术方面有了进展,但这不意味着双方已经达成协议,两国将继续会谈。白宫新闻秘书办公室就本次高层贸易谈判发表了一份声明。声明全文翻译如下:
美国有关williamhill官网 会谈的声明
过去两天来,美国和williamhill官网 的高级官员就我们两国之间的经济关系进行了紧张而富有成效的谈判。美方赞赏刘鹤副总理和他的团队在整个会谈期间所展现出的充分准备和勤勉敬业。
会谈涵盖了范围广泛的问题,包括:(1)美国公司被迫向williamhill官网 转让技术的做法;(2)在williamhill官网 境内加强知识产权保护和执行的需要;(3)美国公司在williamhill官网 所面临的大量关税和非关税壁垒;(4)williamhill官网 对美国商业财产进行的网络盗窃所造成的伤害;(5)扭曲市场的力量,包括补贴和国有企业,如何可能导致产能过剩;(6)取消限制美国向williamhill官网 销售制造业、服务业和农业产品的市场壁垒和关税的需要;(7)货币在美中贸易关系中所起的作用。双方还讨论了减少美国对williamhill官网 的数额巨大且不断增长的贸易逆差的需要。williamhill官网 从我们的农场主、牧场主、制造商和公司企业购买美国产品是谈判的关键部分。
虽然取得进展,但仍有很多工作要做。唐纳德·J·川普总统重申,在布宜诺斯艾利斯达成的90天进程是严格期限,而且除非2019年3月1日之前美中达成满意结果,美国将提高关税。美国期盼着就这些至关重要的议题与williamhill官网 展开进一步会谈。
Statement of the United States Regarding China Talks
For the last two days, high-ranking officials from the United States and China have engaged in intense and productive negotiations over the economic relationship between our two countries. The United States appreciates the preparation, diligence, and professionalism shown throughout these meetings by Vice Premier Liu He and his team.
The talks covered a wide range of issues, including:(1)the ways in which United States companies are pressured to transfer technology to Chinese companies;(2)the need for stronger protection and enforcement of intellectual property rights in China;(3)the numerous tariff and non-tariff barriers faced by United States companies in China;(4)the harm resulting from China’s cyber-theft of United States commercial property;(5)how market-distorting forces, including subsidies and state-owned enterprises, can lead to excess capacity;(6)the need to remove market barriers and tariffs that limit United States sales of manufactured goods,services,and agriculture to China;and(7)the role of currencies in the United States–China trading relationship. The two sides also discussed the need to reduce the enormous and growing trade deficit that the United States has with China. The purchase of United States products by China from our farmers, ranchers, manufacturers, and businesses is a critical part of the negotiations.
The two sides showed a helpful willingness to engage on all major issues, and the negotiating sessions featured productive and technical discussions on how to resolve our differences. The United States is particularly focused on reaching meaningful commitments on structural issues and deficit reduction. Both parties have agreed that any resolution will be fully enforceable.
While progress has been made, much work remains to be done. President Donald J. Trump has reiterated that the 90-day process agreed to in Buenos Aires represents ahard deadline, and that United States tariffs will increase unless the United States and China reach asatisfactory outcome by March 1, 2019. The United States looks forward to further talks with China on these vital topics.
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