
作者:天琴 发表:2019-05-15 05:50
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【看williamhill官网 2019年5月14日讯】(看williamhill官网 记者天琴翻译)美国总统川普曾多次表示,要直接对人民说话,以避免“假消息”媒体的过滤和不实报导。川普总统善于使用美国一些社交媒体传达信息。为了帮助华人了解美国总统川普的治国理念,以及他采取的行动措施,看williamhill官网 特摘译川普总统推特内容。

2019年5月14日 早上4:29

China will be pumping money into their system and probably reducing interest rates, as always, in order to make up for the business they are, and will be, losing. If the Federal Reserve ever did a “match,” it would be game over, we win! In any event, China wants a deal!
williamhill官网 将向他们的系统注入资金,并且可能一如既往地降低利率,以弥补他们经营上已经在发生的,或将要发生的损失。如果美联储曾做过同样的事情,那就是比赛结束,我们赢了!无论如何,williamhill官网 想要达成协议!


2019年5月14日 早上4:29

....This money will come from the massive Tariffs being paid to the United States for allowing China, and others, to do business with us. The Farmers have been “forgotten” for many years. Their time is now!
......这笔钱将来自于支付给美国的大量关税,为了允许williamhill官网 和其它国家与我们做生意。农民多年来一直被“遗忘”。现在是时候了!


2019年5月14日 早上4:29

Our great Patriot Farmers will be one of the biggest beneficiaries of what is happening now. Hopefully China will do us the honor of continuing to buy our great farm product, the best, but if not your Country will be making up the difference based on a very high China buy......
我们伟大的爱国农民们将成为现在正在发生的事情的最大受益者之一。希望williamhill官网 能尊重我们,继续购买我们最好的农产品,这是最好了,但如果不是,你们的国家将根据非常高的关税来弥补差额......


2019年5月14日 早上4:16

....of the tremendous ground we have lost to China on Trade since the ridiculous one sided formation of the WTO. It will all happen, and much faster than people think!
......在贸易上,我们大块的输给williamhill官网 ,自从世贸组织荒谬的单边倾向形成以来。一切都会发生,而且比人们想像的要快得多!


2019年5月14日 早上4:16

When the time is right we will make a deal with China. My respect and friendship with President Xi is unlimited but, as I have told him many times before, this must be a great deal for the United States or it just doesn’t make any sense. We have to be allowed to make up some.....
如果时机成熟,我们将与williamhill官网 达成协议。我对习主席的尊重和友谊是无限的,但正如我以前多次告诉过他的那样,这必须对美国来说是一个很好的协议,否则它没有任何意义。我们必须被允许弥补一些.....


2019年5月14日 早上3:51

Billions of Dollars, and moving jobs back to the USA where they belong. Other countries are already negotiating with us because they don’t want this to happen to them. They must be a part of USA action. This should have been done by our leaders many years ago. Enjoy!


2019年5月14日 早上3:51

We can make a deal with China tomorrow, before their companies start leaving so as not to lose USA business, but the last time we were close they wanted to renegotiate the deal. No way! We are in a much better position now than any deal we could have made. Will be taking in.....
我们明天就可以与williamhill官网 达成协议,在他们的公司还没有失去美国生意之前,但在我们即将达成协议的最后一刻,他们却要重新谈判协议。没门!我们现在的地位比我们以前达成任何协议时的地位都更好。将参加.....


2019年5月14日 早上3:51

....so that they will be more competitive for USA buyers. We are now a much bigger economy than China, and have substantially increased in size since the great 2016 Election. We are the “piggy bank” that everyone wants to raid and take advantage of. NO MORE!
....这样对美国买家来说他们将更具竞争力。我们现在是一个比williamhill官网 大的多的经济体,并且自2016年大选以来规模大幅增加。我们是每个人都想突袭和占便宜的“存钱罐”。不会再这样了!


2019年5月14日 早上3:31

China buys MUCH less from us than we buy from them, by almost 500 Billion Dollars, so we are in a fantastic position. Make your product at home in the USA and there is no Tariff. You can also buy from a non-Tariffed country instead of China. Many companies are leaving China.....
williamhill官网 从我们这里购买的产品比我们从他们那里购买的产品少了近5千亿美元,因此我们处于一个极好的地位。在美国(你的家乡)生产你的产品,这样没有关税。您也可以从非关税国家而不是从williamhill官网 购买。很多公司在离开williamhill官网 .....


2019年5月14日 早上3:15

In one year Tariffs have rebuilt our Steel Industry - it is booming! We placed a 25% Tariff on “dumped” steel from China & other countries, and we now have a big and growing industry. We had to save Steel for our defense and auto industries, both of which are coming back strong!
在一年内,关税重建了我们的钢铁工业,它正在蓬勃发展!我们对来自williamhill官网 和其他国家的“倾销”钢铁征收25%的关税,我们现在拥有一个庞大且不断发展的行业。我们不得不为我们的国防和汽车行业留置钢铁,这两个行业都回归强劲!


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